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All interviews, articles, podcasts, documentations and other press reports selected here can of course only give a subjective and situational account of everything and anything that happened. In some cases, the Molli also appears in some reports alongside other projects in Salzderhelden that are free of exchange logic and critical of hierarchy. It may well be that many other people who could not get a word in edits, but are nevertheless active with the Molli, have divergent or quite different perspectives on certain topics. So don't take any of the reports as a detailed representation, and feel free to look critically at the contributions as you watch, read or listen to the different perspectives in the media below!




08.07.2024 – „Speicher des Widerstands“

30.06.2023 – „Mitmach-Kiosk Zur Molli Salzderhelden – Ein Experiment für gelebte Utopie

18.05.2023 – „Molli mit Mitmachkonzept“

14.04.2023 – „Vegan, ökologisch, solidarisch“

06.02.2023 – „Umme – Das Umsonstregal“

13.10.2023 – „Küche für Alle in der molli“

21.12.2021 – „Das Gegenteil von Egoismus – Projekthaus K20″

01.10.2021 – „Ein solidarischer Mitmach-Kiosk“

19.09.2023 – „Utopistisches Salz der Held*innen“

18.02.2023 – „Lange Nacht der Gemeinschaften“

08.02.2023 – „Das Projekt K20 – Politische Gemeinschaft zwischen Reallabor und utopischen Freiräumen“

21.10.2021 Klima-WG vs. Business-WG: Was macht sie besonders?“

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Awesome! Feel free to drop us a mail if you need some perspectives from us. Also, if you would like to receive press releases about events and news about the Molli simply write to:
zur molli

  at the train station | Alte Bahnhofstraße 8 |
37574 Einbeck

If you would like to support the molli financially, feel free to forward it to Solicafé Einbeck e.V. :

IBAN:     DE89 2789 3760 1037 6798 00
Subject:  Donation

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