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Feel free to join in!

Here you will find possibilities and suggestions on how you can shape and enliven the molli and the Salzderhelden train station with us.

If you are new to the project and would like to participate, you can of course get support to get to know the new environment (e.g. introduction to a store shift or promoting a molli event).

Store shift

Tasks during the shift:

  • preparing vegan food (e.g. cakes, crepes, sandwiches)
  • Conversations with visitors (e.g. about overcoming the logic of exchange)
  • general cleaning tasks
  • …und Spaß bei der selbst-bestimmten Selbstorganisation

Organize an event

Planning tasks:

  • Tell us about your event idea (e.g. in plenum or by mail)
  • Promote your molli event
  • If necessary, get more people involved (e.g. setting up the stage for a concert or people who take over the shift)
Prettifying train
station hat

Tasks (for one week):

  • Sweep station concourse and mop through if necessary
  • Clean bathrooms and toilets
  • sorting the "give away shelf" and "bookshelf" if necessary.

    This responsibility (hat) will be reassigned every week!
vegan food


  • check if all ingredients used are really vegan or without (non-human) animal products (e.g. no honey, no milk, no eggs, etc.)
  • Ideally, use organic vegan food items from the region for cakes, dishes, etc. that you want to bring with you.

Become part of the collective and take part
in the decision-making process!

Jeden Freitag um 12:00 Uhr findet sich das Orga-Team der molli in einem „Molli Meeting“ zusammen. Vor allem dort, aber nicht ausschließlich, werden Entscheidungen hierarchiekritisch und im Konsens getroffen.

Bitte gib unbedingt vorher Bescheid (z.B. per Mail) und warte auf eine Antwort, wenn du neu dazukommen und Teil des Orga-Teams werden willst.


(Currently irregular!) we have an "Orga-Fest" in the molli. During this time we try to do tasks from repro work (e.g. cleaning the kitchen) to transformative outward actions in and around the molli together...and we want to have a good time together by doing so! Each person can simply volunteer to contribute according to needs, abilities and possibilities.

If you are new to the molli, the "Orga-Fest" is also a good starting point, e.g. to get an introduction to shifts. Please let us know if you want to come to the Orga-Fest for the first time.

zur molli

  at the train station | Alte Bahnhofstraße 8 |
37574 Einbeck

If you would like to support the molli financially, feel free to forward it to Solicafé Einbeck e.V. :

IBAN:     DE89 2789 3760 1037 6798 00
Subject:  Donation

We welcome both one-time and regular contributions.